Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tiffany: Senior Pictures

This is Tiffany :) She's pretty wonderful and I am blessed to know her. We met about two or three years ago through a mutual friend at a church event and since they're best friends we see each other pretty often. This past year I was able to help her with her British Lit. class because they were doing Pride & Prejudice and I happen to be a fan. ;)
She passed her CNA exam a few weeks ago (I knew she would!!) and I can already tell that she'll be quite a wonderful nurse. Tiffany has a very tender heart and always has a smile on her face. We did her senior pictures this past fall, and she graduated in May. Pretty soon she'll be off to college! 
Here are some pictures from her shoot!


She's pretty involved with her church so she wanted to take some pictures at the building. Isn't she adorable? She fit perfectly in the window. :)

No, I'm not that funny...just a total clutz. ;)

I'm sure that as much as she is glad to be done with high school, the memories that she's made here will hold a special place in her heart for the rest of her life. I know that sounds a bit cheesy and cliche, but she's been blessed with a close knit group of best friends who've grown up together and have all gone to school here.

Tiffany, it's been a blessing seeing you mature and grow and can't wait to see what you do in the future. Stay awesome and keep growing in your walk with the Lord. He'll always be there both in the good times and bad! Love you pretty lady!!