This is a really fun post to write because this girl is pretty special to me. She just happens to be my very own cousin and one of my best friends. We've been friends forever! Well... almost. Ever since she arrived on earth anyways. Yep, this is cliche to say, but it is SO hard to believe she is already graduating from high school! In fact, she'll be graduating TOMORROW! These are some of my favorites.
Growing up, we got along most of the time, but there was the occasional disagreement ;) overall it's been awesome and we've been blessed to be part of an amazing family. We've always lived pretty far away from each other, which is sad, but hey, it gives the perfect excuse for a road trip! :)
So beautiful
Another one of my favorites ^ ...ok, and the one below too
For these pictures we went to this hidden creek area. We took off our shoes, splashed around in the water ;) so yes, if you book a shoot with me, we may very well go exploring. :) Although it's pretty easy to get good pictures of this beauty. She looks good pretty much all the time, in anything or anywhere!
I may be a little biased, but isn't she gorgeous?! Sheesh!
While she may not wear her heart on her sleeve, she's got a caring heart and while she can get dressed to the nines and look like a queen, she doesn't mind getting dirty and and going on adventures. She also happens to be a really talented dancer, and hopefully this summer we'll be able to do another shoot that will be completely dance inspired! : D
This picture ^ reminds me of that Proverb, "she is clothed with strength and dignity..." but I think this really portrays who she is as well. Mikayla is a strong young woman with determination. She's sweet as pie, but fierce as a tiger.
Oh, and she has the best laugh too...
This one... wellll, I had just taken a few steps back and the shot didn't look quite how I wanted so I was like, "hold on, lemme take one more step back" and as I did, I stepped into a puddle, slipped, and fell splat! RIGHT on my rear end! I'm so glad I got this picture even if my favorite jean shorts were soaking wet and covered in soaking. black. MUD! it was totally worth it... the laughing "sohardyoumightpeeyourpants" kinda laughs. Those are THE best. So no, unfortunately, I am not that funny... just clutzy. ;)
I can't wait to see where you go, Mika! But most importantly, I hope you realize how much God loves you and He has created you to do greater things than you could ever imagine! Don't stop being passionate about what you love and never forget that you have loads of loved ones beside you, rooting and cheering for you. I am so proud of you as you approach this milestone in your life and really and truly, I believe you have amazing potential and the opportunity to impact lives in a powerful way. You've already impacted so many lives already and as they say, "the sky's the limit!" don't ever give up, dream big, and don't doubt the talents and gifts God has given you! Use them wisely and your life will be more meaningful and fulfilling than you could have ever imagined.
Congratulations Mikayla Jasmine. I love you more than you'll ever know.
You two are so wonderful!!!!!